Saturday, November 26, 2022

Run 596

It felt a little on the fresh side this morning as we gathered at the pergola for the start of the run, with all seven competitors opting for 3, 5 or 6 km runs. We were able to revert to our original path as the Yarra had subsided a little, but there was an extra complication this week of a large tree over the track (almost turning the run into a steeplechase). Thanks to Nada for running early and doing the time-keeping duties this week.

First person over the line after the 30 minute mark this week was Paul, with Jon in second place. Tony came in just ahead of Atsuko to take out third position, and Tessa was only one second ahead of Nada in fifth place. Jozica was the final competitor in this morning.

Nobody managed a personal best time this week and nobody was within 15 seconds of their PB.

We congratulated Jozica this morning on her 250th run with Warrandyte River Runners. She began running with us in January 2013.

Next week the run will be on Sunday 4 December at 7:30 am.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Run 595

This week we saw six starters in the run along the banks of the Yarra. The river path was still quite wet and so we continued to utilise the path by the Dairy and back down in front of the Warrandyte Historical Society. Thanks to Nada for running early and doing the time-keeping duties this week.

Paul was the only person to take on the 2 km distance this week. In the longer, handicapped, distances, it was Jon who managed to be first over the line after the thirty minute mark with Harrison and Atsuko in a race for second spot.Jozica took out third place and Nada was last to finish today (once her handicap was added onto her time).

Nobody managed to run a personal best time and nobody was within 15 seconds of their PB.

Next week the run will be on Saturday 26 November at 7:00 am.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Runs 593 and 594

Run 593

There were four starters in the run along the banks of the Yarra in Warrandyte this week. Thanks to Atsuko for running early and doing the time-keeping duties this week. The river was still high so the alternative path by the Dairy and along Yarra Street needed to be utilised again this week.

Two walkers took on the shorter and unhandicapped 2 km distance: Paul and Tony. In the longer distances Atsuko was the first person over the line after handicaps were added to the running times. Dave managed to take out the second (and last) place.

There was one personal best time recorded this week with Tony taking 1 minute and 19 seconds off his previous 2 km walk time. No one else was within 15 seconds of their PB.

Run 594

There were two people starting the run this week. Thanks to Nada for doing the time-keeping duties.

Nada was the winner of the run this week and Tony came in second place. There were no personal best times recorded and nobody was within 15 seconds of their PB.

Next week the run will be on Saturday 19 November at 7:00 am.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Run 592

With all of the rain about and the Yarra having risen over the track, we had to change the course slightly again this week. We ran up the dairy path to the road and then along the main rod to the bridge, altering the 2 km turn around as well. There were three people who braved the waterlogged track for the run this weekend.

Atsuko managed to be the first runner over the line after the 30 minute mark. Nada managed second place and Jon was the last runner in.

Nobody managed a personal best time this week and no one was within 15 seconds of their PB.

Next week the run will be on Sunday 6 November at 7:30 am.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any time during the season.