Run 534
There were 8 starters in the run along the banks of the Yarra this week.
Four people took on the shorter (2 km) distance, running or walking: Margaret, Jozica, Paul and Jacinta. In the longer distances it was Tony who was first over the line with Dave just behind him. Atsuko was in third place and Jon was last across the line today.
There was one Personal Best time recorded this week:
Dave took 13 seconds off his previous PB.
No-one else was within 15 seconds of their PB.
Run 535
We had 6 runners in the field this week.
Dave managed first place today (with a PB so managed to get maximum points). Tony was in second place ahead of Atsuko and Jacinta was last over the line (not surprising as she walked the 3 km distance). Margaret and Paul took on the 2 km distance.
One Personal Best time was recorded today:
Dave managed to take another 26 seconds off his previous 3km PB.
No-one else was within 15 seconds of their PB.
Run 536
This was the last run of the season and there were 9 runners this week. Results for the entire season will be released when we have the presentation. Thanks to Jacinta for doing the time-keeping duties this week.
In the 2 km distance the competitors were: Margaret, Jacinta, Jozica and Nada on her return from injury. In the longer, handicapped distances, Jon was first over the line in a perfectly timed run this week. Monica took out second place, only seconds ahead of Atsuko with Paul close on her heels and Tony only another few seconds back (once handicaps had been corrected).
There was one Personal Best time recorded again this week:
Well run Monica who took 20 seconds off her previous 6 km PB time.
No-one else was within 15 seconds of their PB.
Next week the run will be on SUNDAY 2 May at 7:30 am.
New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.