Sunday, November 27, 2016

Run 342

It was another lovely morning for a run along the baks of the Yarra in Warrandyte, and this morning saw 11 people out running over all distances: 2, 3, 4 and 5 km.

In the 2 km run, Amelia ran this distance for the first time and ran well and Margaret continues to improve on her times from week to week.

For the longer distances, there was a close finish for the first position with Angela just beating Jacinta home by 1 second and Jozica was only ten seconds behind them. Nada and Atsuko were only separated by four seconds to come in fourth and fifth respectively, with Monica not far behind them. Peter ran early and did the timing for us this week (thanks for that) and his time brought him in seventh position. Tessa and Harrison rounded out the field from the longer distances.

There was only one person who managed to run a personal best time for their distance today:
Congratulations to Angela who took another 11 seconds off her previous best for 3 km.

Two others came within 15 seconds of their PB:
well done to Nada and Jacinta.

Remember that only your best ten runs from any season can count towards your Consistency Total for that season, so some people have already reached that limit and their scores will now be updated only if their score for this week is one of their best ten scores. The maximum score for any single run is 20 points, so the field is still open at the moment.

Next week the run will be on Sunday 4 December at 7:30 am as it is a market weekend.

Please visit the Facebook page and let us know if you can come to the end-of-year celebrations.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Run 341

There were 10 finishers in the run by the river this weekend, and we welcomed Dane for his first run with us. Hopefully we will see him for another run n the future.

Margaret ran the 2 km course again, and continues to run consistently over this distance. In the "main" event Nada was first over the line after the 30 minute mark and has won this week with maximum points - well done. Jacinta was second over and just ahead of Dane (after his handicap was adjusted for being his first run). Angela and Jozica were within 10 seconds of each other in fourth and fifth positions. Peter continues to run well at the 4 km distance and came in just ahead of Will, Tessa and Harrison.

There was one personal best time this week:
congratulations to Nada who has taken another second off her previous PB.

No-one else was within 15 seconds of their PB.

Next week the run will be on Saturday 26 November at 7:00 am.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Run 340

There were seven starters out for the run along the Yarra river path this morning and the first three runners were within ten seconds of each other.

First over the line this morning was Angela, followed very closely by Atsuko and Nada. Tessa and Peter were next and again very close together with Jacinta being the last runner in. Margaret ran the 2 km course again this morning and cottons to improve her times over this distance.

Thanks to Nada for keeping the times this morning.

No-one managed to beat their personal best times this week and no-one was within 15 seconds of their PB.

Next week the run will be on Saturday 19 November at 7:00am.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Run 339

There were ten starters with people running over all distances (2km, 3km, 4km and 5km).

Jacinta took off over the 2km course and ran very well. In the "main event" of the longer distances, the first over the line was Steve in a well timed run. He was followed by Jon, with Nada hot on his heels. Amelia and Monica were only about ten seconds behind them.

Peter was next over the line and Tessa and Jozica were close together for the next positions. Imogen rounded out the runners over the long course.

No-one was within 15 seconds of their personal best times this week and no-one ran a PB.

Next week the run will be on Saturday 12 November at 7:00am.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Runs 337 and 338

Sorry I didn't get to post last week so this post is about the last two runs:

Run 337 saw 11 people out on the track by the river running the 3, 4 and 5 km courses. Monica was first over the line, but ran too quickly, finishing before the 30 minute mark and breaking this week. In first position was Atsuko, coming in just ahead of Jacinta and Nada. Imogen was in fourth position, just 10 seconds behind. Jon and Charlie ran in well for the next positions. Jozica and Tessa were just ahead of Harrison and Peter took out the final place.

There were two personal best times recorded this week:
Monica beat her previous 3 km best time by 52 seconds,
and Imogen beat her previous best by an amazing 2 minutes and 4 seconds - well done.

No-one else was within 15 seconds of their PB.

Run 338 was run on the "long weekend" before Melbourne Cup Day, and had only seven starters. Amelia was running way to fast this week and came in well before the 30 minute mark. Jacinta also broke this week. That left Nada to take out the first place for this week, with Monica only just behind her. Peter was the final runner on the longer distances this week. Margaret ran well over the 2 km course and Paul walked 2 km as well.

There were two personal best times recorded again this week:
Amelia took a whopping 1 minute and 39 seconds off her previous best,
and Jacinta took 3 seconds off her previous best time.
Well done to both of you.

No-one else was within 15 seconds of their PB this week.

New runners and/or walkers are welcome at any stage through the season.

Next week the run will be on SUNDAY at 7:30am, and we look forward to seeing lots of runners at the pergola near the lizard below Stiggants Reserve.