Saturday, June 14, 2014

Run 216

A great morning for a run.

Firstly I must mention that Paul ran a PB last week and was missed this morning. This left the run open for Nada, who true to form blitzed the field by running a very consistent time and taking out the win. I tried my hardest, but only made 2nd. Peter came in 3rd with everyone else coming in close behind.

Barbara continues to blitz the 2k course coming down to enjoy the river and support Caitlin. 

David unfortunately missed the 2k turn and ended up running the full 5ks. Well done and I hope you are not to sore tomorrow.

There were no PBs this week.

Next run is Saturday 21 June 2014 at 7:30am. The days will end up getting shorter after next weeks run.

Everyone is welcome.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Run 215

Well, I go away for one weekend and we have a tie on top of the consistency ladder.

This week's run was a mass start with Paul crossing the line first, closely followed by Nada after all the adjustments were made.

A huge thanks to Paul for organising the run in my absence. 

The next run is this Saturday 14 June 2014 at 7:30am.

New runners and walkers are always welcome.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Run 214

It was a great morning for running. We saw a couple of returned faces with Daniel and Owen back for a run. Owen set everyone off and took off over the 2k course with Lyn helping out capturing times. Thank you.

The finish was very competitive with Paul just pipping Nada on the line and David following closely behind.

Both Daniel and David ran quick and fast after taking on new distances. Great work on the new times.

The next run is Sunday 8 June 2014 at 8:00am due to the market on this weekend.

I won't be available this weekend, however there have been a couple of offers to look after things.

Have a great weekend and remember everyone is welcome.


Socks go to Barbara.