Congratulations Alex! On a very warm morning for first run of the year it was Alex who took out first place starting him on the ladder with 17 points.
It was a beautiful morning to enjoy our presentation breakfast but a little warm for running. This was also demonstrated by the fact that no one recorded a PB today.
Welcome to Marianne as a runner - we have seen Marianne regularly as a walker and it is great to see you join in the running. Also congratulations Cath for stepping up to the new 4km distance - well run on a warm morning and keep up the good work.
I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for coming along to the presentation breakfast. It was a great morning and I hope you all enjoyed the breakfast format. Congratulations to Peter for taking out the overall trophy by the skin of his teeth. It was a painfully close result bewtween Peter and Lincoln. And congratulations to Owen for taking out the kids trophy, just in front of Bianca.
You will see below that I have shown all the dates for Season 4, and presentation day will be held two weekends after the end of the season.
It was decided at breakfast this morning that we will revert to the 7:00am start time for the Summer season which will hopefully be a little cooler and allow people time to get to their other Saturday activities, 7:30am on market weekend Sundays (1st Sunday of the month).
So next week's run will be at
7:00am on
Saturday 15th January 2011.
I hope you can make it and I'll see you down by the hut.
This week's winner of the socks: Lincoln