Saturday, March 28, 2015

Run 257

It was a dark and drizzly morning, but that didn't stop an intrepid group of 6 runners showing up to run along the river again.

With only four runners around at 7:00 we considered a mass start, but decided to stick to our handicaps in case a few more showed up which turned out to be a good idea.

The pace was on, as Jon was determined to get a new PB and he dragged a few others along with him. The finish was very exciting as there were four runners coming down the home straight, led by Jon. He broke the 30 minute mark, and dragged Jozica over the line to break as well. This left Peter to take out the line honours as the first person over the line after the magical 30 minute mark, with Monica hot on his heels.

It was a very fast pace today with 4 PBs recorded this week:
Monica by 47 seconds
Jon by 40 seconds
Jessica by 40 seconds
Paul by 20 seconds

Well done, everyone!

After some discussion it was decided that we will not run next weekend due to Easter, so the next run is on Saturday 11 April at 7:00 am.

New runners and walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.


No socks this week

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Run 256

Running on Thursday night to accommodate the Warrandyte Festival over the weekend meant that only 4 runners participated.

The evening run seems to have been beneficial for Steve, who managed to time his run perfectly arriving at exactly the 30 minute mark. Peter was not far behind him and Jozica is still on fire out on her runs.

Two people came within 15 seconds of their personal bests: Steve and Jozica - well done to both of you.

Our next run will be on Saturday 28 March at 7:00 am.

Runners are starting to hit the 10 runs for the season which means that points will be harder for them to come by as only your 10 best runs each season can count towards your points.

New walkers and runners are welcome at any stage during the season.


No socks this week

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Run 255

Another smaller field of runners today, and without Jozica and Peter there was a chance to move up the consistency table.

Monica was back for her second week and managed to better her first time and take out the win, giving her maximum points this week.

Nada took out second place, moving her closer to the top of the table, and Jon and Steve rounded out the field of 5km runners, while Caitlin and I ran and walked 2km for this week with me "rocking" the new no-hair hairstyle and no beard!

Only the one PB this week and no-one within 15 seconds.

PB: Monica by 16 seconds.

Next week due to the Warrandyte Festival being on all weekend, it was decided that we will run on THURSDAY NIGHT at 7:00pm for anyone who can make it. NO RUN ON THE WEEKEND.

New runners and walkers are always welcome at any stage during the season.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Run 254

We take great pleasure in welcoming two new runners to the field: Monica and Elke.

When the clock was started this morning there was just me representing the guys with 5 women ready to run. As I am still in recovery mode, I left at scratch to walk the 2km course, while Monica started on her 5km run. Peter arrived soon after which improved the male-to-female ratio a little.

Many thanks to Atsuko for helping out with the timing again while she is recovering.

Jozica continues to fly through the 5km course, coming very close to her PB this week, but she was pipped at the post by Elke who had a very good 3km run. Monica managed to break this week, and hopefully we will have her handicap sorted for her run next week.

Peter and Nada both ran consistently, with everyone being home well before the 32 minute mark.

No PBs this week.
Within 15 seconds - Jozica.

Congratulations to Peter on reaching his 150th run today - a phenomenal effort.

Several of us ended the morning with coffee at the nearby Warrandyte Cafe, and have decided to make this a regular event after our Sunday morning runs (and we will see how Saturdays go when the winter times kick in).

New runners or walkers are welcome at any stage during the season.

Our next run will be on Saturday 14 March at 7:00am.


No socks this week


I will be sporting a new "look" for next week as I will be shaving my head and beard for the Leukaemia Foundation's World's Greatest Shave on Friday 13 March. Eilish will also be shaving her head on the same day as well. You can support us by donating to this great cause at:

Paul -

Eilish -

Thanks to all who have already donated.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Run 253

It was a very good field for the run on Saturday, especially considering many people were backing up for Run Warrandyte on Sunday morning.

Nada didn't run, but came down to keep times for this week.

Jozica was definitely on fire once again, running 3km in her preparation for the big run on Sunday, she flew through the course beating her previous PB over this distance by nearly 2 minutes! This meant that she came in well before the 30 minute mark.

Jon managed to take out the win this week, but unfortunately didn't manage to get within 15 seconds of his PB.

Dennis must have gone out hard because he ended up having to walk home with a hamstring problem. Hopefully he can rest up and be back again soon.

Only 1 PB and no-one else within 15 seconds:

Jozica PB for the 3km run: 1 minute 58 seconds

We hope to see lots of runners and walkers out for the event next weekend. Don't forget it is on Sunday 8 March at 7:30am because the market will be on Saturday.

New runners or walkers are always welcome at any stage during the season.


No socks again this week (hopefully we will get 10 runners one week soon).